
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Status report overdue!

Aaron told me today that he's had a bunch of our friends wanting to know how I'm doing.

In short, I'm doing fine... I'm sleeping a whole ton. Making sure my drains stay emptied. They are finally starting to slow down. I have an appointment with Dr. Pummill tomorrow to see how things are healing. I see Dr. Gold next week for the results on the tissue that was removed. I won't know more before then.

I have to take a shower... badly. That's our project for tonight. I tried to shower a couple days ago and had what's called a vasovagal response. When I unfastened the front of my bra, my blood pressure dropped suddenly. I lost color, tried to faint, broke out in sweats, and tried to upchuck a couple of times. Not fun. I called the doctor's office yesterday to find out what we need to do to fix it. The fix is to do nothing, make sure I'm sitting or laying on a bed and that I have a bucket near by. Once the response has passed, I carefully go on about my business. We'll see how that works out.

So that's where we're at for now, gang. I'm hoping to get out of this house at some point this holiday weekend. I got to get some ice cream a couple days ago and visited some friends in the process. (YAY!) I miss seeing my friends the most out of all of this so far. You just don't realize how much they are part of your everyday life until you get stuck on bedrest or the like. C'mon, Body! Do your healing thing so I can get back to normal!


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