Tonight I was looking online, trying to find a specific pink ribbon t-shirt for either the party on Saturday or, if it doesn't get here on time, to wear out of the hospital. I decided to take a look at the other sized shirts too for the family. The ones for the kids were awesome and uplifting. (I seem to be using that word a lot today...)
Then I got to the men's shirts. There were a lot of really awesome ones, but there were just as many that really struck me and brought me to tears. Ones that said "In memory of my wife", "I miss my wife"... Then there was the one that said, "She wore pink. She fought hard. She's my Angel. She's my wife."
I think I've finally been handed my reality check. I could lose. I have no intentions of it happening and I am going to fight my damnedest for my family and myself. Something will have to drag me out of this body, kicking and screaming, before I give up. But I *could* lose anyway. I'm not quite sure what to do with this information yet. I'm not liking this feeling one bit.
There were too many of those shirts, which means that way too many women (and men) die from this disease. It makes me all the more proud that I've participated in the Relay for Life, Knit Michigan, and other cancer charity events. I will continue to do so again this year.
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to give charitably. It doesn't even have to be a cancer charity... Pick something that pulls at your heart. The people in our country are too focused on themselves and their pocketbooks right now. They want to cut back public services to those that really need & depend on them to save themselves a buck. It's greedy. They are cutting back on donations to local charities while sending that same money overseas because it's the Cause d'Jour. If money is an issue, donate your time. It's just as worthy and you teach your kids a great life lesson.
Ok... I'll step off of my soapbox for now. I just felt the need to say something I felt was important after getting doused with a bucket of mortality juice. It's mighty sour...
And the above is what happens when you have a panic attack and forget that you actually have anti-depressants to help with that. :^P
This is all part of the process though. The reason I started this blog in the first place is to go through the process and to help educate. So, expect to see some ugly with the pretty, folks. :^D
Hey my dear cousin...I've read through your blog and have to say that you are one tough, amazing chick.
You are in my thoughts - sending you all my positive and healing prayers. You have tons of friends, but just know your California family is here and just like my mama, I'm a pretty good listener.
love you!!!!
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