
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My kids are so smart....

I've got info to post about my appointment earlier today, but I'm afraid it'll have to wait till tomorrow. I'm whupped! So I'll leave you with the Shawni-ism of the day. Shawni is my daughter. I was tucking her in this evening when we had this conversation:
Shawni: Mommy, you have the prettiest hair ever!
Me: Thank you baby... *hugs* Will you still love me even if I lose my hair for a little while?
S: Of course, Mommy... 'Cause then you'll look just like Poppa!
M: *laughs* Yeah, but my hair will come back. It might look a little different, but it will grow back in.
S: But Poppa's won't! I like his head....
Both of my kids are very intuitive. We've always had an open door policy with them. Any question they ever want to ask, we answer as honestly as we can at their level of understanding. My son, Connor, was asking a lot of questions about my upcoming surgery last night. He was asking things that I never even would have considered at 7 years old. Will they leave big holes in my chest where my breasts were? Will I still be a girl? What do they do with my breasts when they take them off? 
And this is just the beginning.... I'm sure the questions will only get more interesting as we go along.
Love to all!


Grimya said...

Those are actually really good questions!! What DO they do with them?

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